“He had this club or stick … and he was beating it on his hand. Every time he would say something he would hit his hand. And he said, ‘I want you to know you were never there.’ I didn’t…
Get to Know Wrestler Dick “The Bruiser” Afflis
“I was in the biggest riot of all-time for wrestlers. This was in Life Magazine years ago, 50 police were hurt in this riot. Athletic Commission of New York fined me $3,000 and I was banned. I haven’t been back…
Detox or Die from David Graham Scott on Vimeo. “Oh god this is a strange substance … I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m all mixed up. I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on. Good God, just release…
Marc Drier: The Harvard Lawyer Who Became a Swindler
“I can’t remember the moment in which I decided to something that I knew was wrong. I had an ambition that I needed to feed. I think I fell into the trap of wanting to be more successful than I…
‘PARAÍSO’: Immigrant Window Cleaners at Work in Chicago
“I’m not rich, but I do know that if my parents became sick I could help them. And I know if I was in Mexico, I wouldn’t be able to do that as easily.” – Sergio Polanco, Window Cleaner
Watch this Motorized Wildcat
WildCat is a four-legged robot being developed to run fast on all types of terrain. So far WildCat has run at about 16 mph on flat terrain using bounding and galloping gaits. The video shows WildCat’s best performance so far.…