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On January 15, 2014, Alex Honnold free-soloed El Sendero Luminoso (The Shining Path) in El Portrero Chico, Mexico in a little over 3 hours. The climb rises 2,500 feet to the summit of El Toro.
Odell McNeal is interviewed about his days working as a sharecropper in Mississippi in the 1940s and 1950s. He breaks down when he tries to talk about how hard his mother worked to raise her family.
Short documentary from The New York Times’ Op-Doc series tells the story of a black teenager in Florida killed by a white man after an argument over loud music played in a gas station parking lot. The slain youth’s father…
Bob Guccione interviewed on an early morning TV show called Nightwatch. Guccione discusses his film “Caligula,” Hugh Hefner, his love of painting, the effect of pornography, and how Penthouse evolved.
The fresh powder beckoned 16 expert skiers and snowboarders into the backcountry. Without warning, a slab of snow cracked and swept violently down the mountain. No one knew how many were inside. (You can find the in-depth interactive article from…
By Gregory Crofton “The Square” is a “stunning” movie, as New York Times’ critic A.O. Scott said in his film review, because it captures momentous times in the political history of Egypt and the Middle East, and these moments come…