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Raw Blues TV: James “Son” Thomas

Go with Blues legend James “Son” Thomas to visit his hometown of Leland, Mississippi.

Charlie Hebdo, Before the Paris Shooting Attack

In this short documentary filmed at Charlie Hebdo in 2006, cartoonists and editors design a satirical front page image of Muhammad.

Robin Williams on Masks

Comedian and actor Robin Williams died on August 11, 2014 at the age of 63. In tribute, we wanted to create an animated interview short that shed a light on both his brilliant, rapid-fire, comedic mind, as well as his…

Author John Lahr on his Book About Author Tennessee Williams

Author John Lahr talks about his newly published book on playwright Tennessee Williams, a man who drank and took drugs through most of his adult life, yet remained very productive.

Diplo Documentary: ‘F10RIDA’

A companion documentary for the reissue of Diplo’s “F10RIDA.” Directed and Edited by Torres Korlofsky

World Series of Poker Documentary

The idea of a World Series of Poker began in 1969 with an event called the Texas Gambling Reunion. It was an invitational event sponsored by Tom Moore of San Antonio, Texas, and held at the Holiday Hotel and Casino…

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