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‘A POEM IS A NAKED PERSON’: Documentary on Leon Russell is Finally Released and It’s a Masterpiece

By Gregory Crofton This movie is more about Les Blank and his eye behind the camera than it is about Leon Russell, a long-haired, Kool cigarette-smoking, Rock ‘n’ Soul piano man from Oklahoma. Blank, a highly regarded documentary filmmaker (BURDEN…

Inside the World of the Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing. Since then, he’s climbed Mount Everest…

Interview with ‘The Human Fly,’ a Daredevil Named Rick Rojatt

“He started daredevilism, but I’m finishing it,” says The Human Fly. In this clip from 1976, Canadian daredevil Rick Rojatt talks about being The Human Fly, which became the inspiration for a Marvel Comics character. He also talks about his…

‘THE OATH’: Why is Bin Laden’s Bodyguard a Cab Driver in Yemen?

Laura Poitras’ THE OATH tells a story, from Yemen and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, of a cab driver and his brother-in-law, both of whom worked for Osama bin Laden. The cab driver, known as Abu Jandal, served as director of hospitality…

BLOODY POND at Shiloh National Military Park

Carolle Bendle and Penny Crofton, sisters, visit the Bloody Pond at Shiloh National Military Park in Southwestern Tennesseee, about 2 and a half hours Southwest of Nashville. At the pond Confederate and Union soldiers and their horses came to quench…

Hindenburg Air Disaster

Movietone’s coverage of the Hindenburg disaster on a cloudy, overcast day at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6, 1937. Filmed by Al Gold, Larry Kennedy and Deon De Titta. Sound engineer Addison Trice. The doom of the great Zeppelin, which…

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