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British actor Alec Guinness reveals what he thought about STAR WARS after seeing it in a theatre, and how its director George Lucas offered him a greater percentage of the profits because of the suggestions he made for the script.
Distraught after the death last summer of her much-loved eight-year-old boxer dog Dylan, Laura Jacques and her partner Richard Remde tell how they found a way to keep their pet’s memory alive. (Source: The Guardian)
“It’s a very very very hard thing to do.” George Lucas explains why he had to “break up” with Star Wars so that he and ‘The Force Awakens’ could both move on. (Source: The Charlie Rose Show)
Al Jazeera investigates the secretive world of doping in sports and raises questions about whether medical professionals are linked to some of the greatest sports heroes. (Source: Al Jazeera)
SpaceX Entrepreneur Elon Musk (Tesla, Solar City, Paypal) successfully lands a rocket, the Falcon 9, after it delivered its payload of 12 satellites into orbit.
Paul Tudor Jones II loves capitalism. It’s a system that has done him very well over the last few decades. Nonetheless, the hedge fund manager and philanthropist is concerned that a laser focus on profits is, as he puts it,…