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Man Jumps off Mount Everest Peak in Wingsuit

Russian Valery Rozov, 48, leaps off the world’s highest peak.(ABC News)

What to Do in Havana Cuba

With Cuba’s guarded openness to private enterprise grabbing hold, classic American cars and salsa singers now share the cityscape with new and inventive offerings in food, culture and nightlife.(Source: The New York Times)


In June 2015, some of the top sheep were gathered for a Best Sheep in Show contest as part of the Tennessee State Fair in Nashville.

Americans Have More Guns than Hairdryers

From “Guns and Violence,” an episode of the award-winning PBS series THE 90’s, Media Burn Archive offers a look inside the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms library of guns, some statistics about guns in the US, and a visit…

World’s Biggest Mine: Inside U.S. Coal

Barack Obama’s pledge to cut carbon emissions has not stopped North Antelope Rochelle mine in Wyoming. In fact, production is booming – and climate change is off the agenda. The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg gets a rare look inside the biggest…

Japan’s Yakuza: Inside the Syndicate

In 2011 a Belgian photographer was allowed entry into one of Japan’s Yakuza families. Over two years, he captured the lives of those living in the underworld. (Source: The Economist)

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