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1570 Articles0 Comments

‘THE CULT OF JT LeROY’: Writer’s Mystery Wrapped in Celebrity Skin

By Gregory Crofton Often even a great documentary can’t be researched enough, well-crafted enough, to answer every question that comes to mind about a subject. But director Marjorie Sturm achieves that very thing in her film THE CULT OF JT…

‘URBAN STRUGGLE’: Slam Dancing and the Rise of Punk Rock

Cuckoo’s Nest owner Jerry Roach says that the days when Punk Rock began were fantastic and he doesn’t think they’ll ever happen that way again.

DARK OCEANS: Surveying Saturn’s Moons

After 11 years orbiting Saturn, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has changed our understanding of liquid water in the outer solar system. (Source: The New York Times)

‘EYES ON MISSISSIPPI’: How One Journalist Fought White Supremacy in Mississippi

By Gregory Crofton I interviewed a reporter named Bill Minor in 1999 as part of earning my master’s degree in journalism from the University of Mississippi. Minor suffered a stroke and had been slowed down, but he still made time…

He Worked for Bernie Madoff and Can’t Find a Job

Laurence Curtis Ward has a stain on his resume. He worked for Bernie Madoff’s firm. (Source: CNN Money)

Meat Makers: The Artificial Beef Revolution

Can we improve on nature? The race is on to create man-made meat. (Source: The Economist)

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