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What the legendary matches between supercomputer Deep Blue and chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov reveal about today’s artificial intelligence and machine learning fears.(Source: The New York Times Retro Report)
It was a case that captivated the country: a CBC celebrity accused of sexual assault against three women. The stakes were high. Not only was Jian Ghomeshi on trial, but many felt Canada’s justice system was as well. Now, Mr.…
By Gregory Crofton Long rides on his motorcycle through the mountains of North Carolina brought him some peace. So did smoking cigarettes and holing up in his studio to create quiet, melodic indie rock. “The thing about Mark, he was…
Laso Schaller, who was born in Brazil but raised in Switzerland, successfully jumps off a cliff perched 193 feet above the water.
Indeed, in 2015 Williams hit this rare sweet spot, a pinch-me patch where the exotic became the norm. She danced with Donald Trump on New Year’s Eve. She spent a night telling bedtime stories to the children of Facebook COO…
A music video of the late and incredible, Junior Kimbrough. One that Little Ruby Pictures made. It was for the last record that Bob Palmer produced for Junior. Little Ruby Pictures was contracted by Fat Possum Records to make this…