“Holy Hell,” a documentary directed by Will Allen, tells of the filmmaker’s time with the Buddhafield, a Los Angeles–based “spiritual group” he joined in the 1980s. Director Will Allen shares clips from the documentary as well as the trailer, and…
Errol Morris Short Documentary: ‘DEMON IN THE FREEZER’
Smallpox was always present, filling the churchyard with corpses, tormenting with constant fear all whom it had not yet stricken, leaving on those whose lives it spared the hideous traces of its power, turning the babe into a changeling at…
SKATOPIA: Inside a Skateboard Paradise
SKATOPIA is an Appalachian farm where hardcore skating, punk rock and hillbilly culture collide. Mad-Max style demolition derbies and spontaneous car burning accompany all-night skate sessions. Pain is a badge of honor. Tony Hawk calls Skatopia a “rite of passage”…
Martin Scorsese on Framing
In this episode the PBS Digital Series Blank on Blank has a previously unheard conversation with legendary director, Martin Scorsese, on how he’s framed his movies and his life. The early foray into making a movie as a kid, toying…
PET SOUNDS: Annotated Look at a Classic Beach Boys Album
In a new series from Pitchfork called “Liner Notes,” they take a close look at the Beach Boys classic album, Pet Sounds, 50 years after its release.
‘RUNNIN’ DOWN A DREAM: TOM PETTY and THE HEARTBREAKERS’: Fantastic Four-Hour Documentary Made by a Smart Hollywood Big Shot
By Gregory Crofton It seems Tom Petty doesn’t know how to make something that’s not good. So when it came time to make a documentary about his band of thirty years, he asked Peter Bogdanovich to direct it. Bogdanovich, who…