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A bit by comedian Richard Pryor introduces this clip of Mr. Hayes performing “Theme from Shaft” at a stadium in Los Angeles, Calif. Rev. Jesse Jackson helps Isaac Hayes take the stage. Hayes is wearing aviators and a linked-chain outfit.
“The potential for enormous destruction and loss of life is palpable when it comes to cyberweapons,” says Alex Gibney, director of the new film Zero Days, which delves into the creation, deployment, and implications of the Stuxnet virus. Stuxnet, a…
The fear, chaos, and disbelief triggered by mass shootings have become an inescapable yet unbearable reality. Speaking is Difficult represents five years of an American crisis. (Source: The Intercept’s Field of Vision) Directed by AJ Schnack Read an interview with…
by Gregory Crofton Trent Harris and Groovin’ Gary first met pointing cameras at each other in the parking lot of KUTV Channel 2 in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was love, a certain type of love, at first sight. Harris…
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, says we are living in a world economy where the risk is not inflation and not over-heating economies. (Source: Forex Live)
Heimo Korth is the last man standing in 19 million acres of Alaskan wilderness. His neighbors are polar bears and caribous. Say goodbye to civilization and see how they do it in the arctic circle on the last frontier in…