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The Ballad of Crowfoot

This short film examines the situation of Aboriginal people in North America through the figure of Crowfoot, the legendary 19th-century Blackfoot leader of the Plains. A rapid montage of archival photos, etchings and contemporary newspaper clippings is married to the…

The Dark Side of Dick Cheney: An Inside Look at American Ideals

Richard Bruce Cheney (born January 30, 1941) is an American politician and businessman who was the 46th Vice President of the United States from 2001 to 2009. Born in Lincoln, Nebraska, Cheney was primarily raised in Sumner, Nebraska, and Casper,…

Film Director Wim Wenders on Pope Francis

Buena Vista Social Club, Pina Bausch and Sebastiao Selgado are among Wim Wenders past documentary subjects. Now he profiles the head of the Catholic Church in “Pope Francis: A Man of His Word,” released in theaters by Focus Features. Wenders…

Genius Fashion Designer Documentary ‘McQUEEN’ is a Stylish, Progressive Must See Film

By Gregory Crofton Days of screenings at Nashville Film Festival 2018 were varied and wonderful. In its 49th year the festival seemed settled in at Regal Hollywood 27, just south of downtown, a venue it relocated to from Green Hills…

Spies of Mississippi

“Spies of Mississippi” reveals in shocking detail the state of Mississippi’s effort to undermine the Civil Rights Movement using a vast network of spies. Whites and Blacks spied for Old Dixie. An arm of the state government called the Sovereignty…

Oneida Community: How John Humphrey Noyes Overcame Anxiety by Preaching Perfectionism

John Humphrey Noyes grew up crippled by social anxiety. He overcame his anxiety when he began preaching and came to embrace Perfectionism. He would later declare that he would be the leader in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth.…
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